Data Analytics Data Science Hollywood Movies Statistics

Movie Sentiment Tracker

I wrote an extensive application using NLP and TensorFlow/Keras in Python that looks at all of the current and upcoming Hollywood releases for 2020 and tracks the online Twitter sentiment for each of them. The model output was then displayed in a PowerBI dashboard. In essence, we are predicting the classification probability Pr(Sentiment=Positive|Data).

You can access the dashboard by clicking on the screenshot below:

We have also included a new feature that gives a daily popularity score for movies. An algorithm was designed to rank movies according to daily positive sentiment. This can be found on Page 2 of the dashboard link.

You can select different titles by clicking the dropdown list. The left-side graph shows you the sentiment distribution of all of the tweet data corresponding to a film. The right-side graph calculates the median tweet sentiment for a given day for the selected film. (Right now, we go back 30 days from the present day). It is intended that this dashboard will be refreshed every day.

By Dr. Ikjyot Singh Kohli

Sikh, Theoretical and Mathematical Physicist, main research in the structure and dynamics of Einstein's field equations.

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