Basketball Data Analytics Data Science NBA Statistics

No Such Thing as The “Greatest” Player in The NBA

Below, we demonstrate why trying to identify a single player as the “Greatest of all time” is a fallacy.

Data Analytics Data Science Mathematics Physics Statistics

Relating the Ridge and Lasso to Physics

Data Analytics Data Science Hollywood Mathematics Movies Statistics

Movie and TV Show Recommender

Using a lot of data wrangling and NLP, I created a movie and tv show recommender: Basically, the user selects from the drop-down list their movie/tv show of interest, and the algorithm will recommend a combination of movies and tv shows that the user is most likely to be interested in. I tried to include […]

computation Data Analytics Data Science Mathematics Statistics

R on Apple’s M1 Architecture

I wanted to test out R on Apple’s new M1/ARM architecture. Here’s how it went:

Data Analytics Data Science education Mathematics Statistics

Deriving Least Squares Coefficients Using Tensor/Index Notation

Many textbooks when introducing ordinary least squares as a method to do regression (usually via introducing linear regression) don’t explain / derive the coefficients. Here, I explain how to do it using tensor/index notation.

Basketball Chicago Bulls Data Analytics Data Science Mathematics NBA Sports Statistics

Michael Jordan or Lebron James?

Using mathematics to analyze who is a “better” player By: Dr. Ikjyot Singh Kohli It seems that nowadays one cannot escape the never-ending debate of “Who is better? Michael Jordan or Lebron James?” The situation is made worse by organizations like ESPN that have endless debates on their various shows combined with releasing lists of […]

Biology Data Analytics Data Science Mathematics Statistics

Coronavirus Predictions

By: Dr. Ikjyot Singh Kohli I wrote an extensive script in R that takes the most recent data available for the number of new/confirmed COVID-19 cases per day by location and computes the probability using statistical learning that a selected location will observe a new COVID-19 case (probability of observing a non-zero daily percentage return). […]

Data Analytics Data Science Hollywood Movies Statistics

Movie Sentiment Tracker

I wrote an extensive application using NLP and TensorFlow/Keras in Python that looks at all of the current and upcoming Hollywood releases for 2020 and tracks the online Twitter sentiment for each of them. The model output was then displayed in a PowerBI dashboard. In essence, we are predicting the classification probability . You can […]

Data Analytics Data Science Elections Politics Statistics

Did Clyburn Help Biden in South Carolina?

By: Dr. Ikjyot Singh Kohli The conventional wisdom by the political pundits/analysts who are seeking to explain Joe Biden’s massive win in the 2020 South Carolina primary is that Jim Clyburn’s endorsement was the sole reason why Biden won. (Here is just one article describing this.) I wanted to analyze the data behind this and […]

Basketball Data Analytics Data Science Mathematics NBA Sports Statistics Uncategorized

NBA Analytics Dashboard

Here is an embedded dashboard that shows a number of statistical insights for NBA teams, their opponents, and individual players as well. You can compare multiple teams and players. Navigate through  the different pages by clicking through the scrolling arrow below. (The data is based on the most recent season “per-game” numbers.) (If you cannot […]