Mathematics Movies Physics Science

On Entropy and Time Reversal

As a huge Christopher Nolan fan, I am very excited that Tenet is finally coming out this week! Here is the new and final trailer for those of you that have not seen it yet:

One of the main themes in this movie will evidently be on “time inversion/reversal” based on the reversing entropy. Since entropy is typically connected with the thermodynamic arrow of time, the idea is that if one could reverse entropy, you could reverse the flow of time. At least this is the idea as described by Nolan in interviews so far, and what seems to be implied in the various trailers/clips released so far. Of course, I have not seen the movie yet, but, decided to explore how one could explicitly show the relationship between the arrow of time and entropy, and what reversing this relationship means. You can find my notes in the PDF article on this topic below. (This is just a rough exposition for now, time-pending, I will come back and try to explore these ideas in much more detail!):

PDF Article Download Below:

By Dr. Ikjyot Singh Kohli

Sikh, Theoretical and Mathematical Physicist, main research in the structure and dynamics of Einstein's field equations.

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